- Jester Alchemist - The jester always gets the last laugh against anyone nearby
- Bear Brute - The bear brute is a formidable combatant
- Satyr Druid - The satyr can channel powerful druidic healing
- Krampus Duelist - Terrifying in stature and in combat
- Raven Hunter - The raven harries enemies from a distance
- Gorgon Mage - The gorgon is easily mistaken for a statue, to much demise
- Scarecrow Reaper - The reaper's razor sharp scythe sorts wheat from chaff
- Banshee Warlock - The banshee unleashes her fury against her foes
- Ghost Warlock - This ghostly specter crackles with magical energy
- Harpy Warrior - The harpy snatches up her enemies and drops them
Friday, 26 October 2018
All Hallow's Eve Heroes
This expansion for Hero Kids includes ten new All Hallows' Eve heroes for your game: